Help me, please!!!
Complete the sentences.
at(2), about, in , for , of (2), in, up, with

1) Some children say they don't want to get ... early in the morning.
2) What's your addres? - I live ... 26 Apple Street.
3) When are they going to leave France ... Italy?
4) He is interested ... photography.
5) Jack began to dream ... a medical career when he was a child.
6) I think you'll visit a lot of places ... interested in New York.
7) When we go to London we never stay ... a hotel, we stay ... our grandparents.
8) Sam always spends a lot of time ... books, newspapers and magazines.


Ответ дал: слюда

ИгорьTawer: 2 там не "in" а "at" ну это тоже самое
Аноним: Неправильно!!!!!!!
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