Complete the text with the words from the box. contasts, prizes,present , winners, surprise, blow up, prepare, surprise, vote, every, guests, invitations Children of our class like to have parties. We write ... for our… Our party always has a theme: a balloon party, a teddy-bear party or any other. Re ... many interesting things for the party: we ... balloons, make ... . There are many games and . We . . . for the leader of the party. He or she gives ... to ... . Usually ...child gets a small.


Ответ дал: нефрит123
Children of our class like to have parties. We write the invitations for our guests. Our party always has a theme: a balloon party, a teddy-bear party or any other. We prepare many interesting things for the party: we blow up balloons, make contests. There are many games and surprises. We vote for the leader of the party. He or she gives prizes to the winners. Usually every child gets a small present
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