Rewrite the sentences correcting the mistake in each of them.
The sound grew faintest and faintest.
He turned out to be angry than I had expected.
The farther discussion didn’t bring any results.
The flower smells very sweetly.
I keep my things always in their proper places.
Both we are fond of classical music.
She speaks high of her brother- in-law.
I haven’t seen them late.


Ответ дал: КрутаяБаффи
The sound grew fainter and fainter.
He turned out to be angrier than I had expected.
The further discussion didn't bring bring any results.
The flower smells very sweet.
I always keep my things in their proper places.
Both of us are fond of classical music.
She speaks highly of her brother-in-law.
I haven't seen them lately.
Ответ дал: Uleima
The sound grew faintER and faintER
He turned out to be angrIER than I had expected
The farther  discussion didn't bring any results
The flower smells sweet
I ALWAYS keep my things in their proper way
We are BOTH fond of classical music
She speaks highly of her brothe-r in- law
I haven't seen them lately

Uleima: в предпоследнем highly
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