Помогите!Write answers. Запиши відповіді на запитання.
1 What is you mother' name? ( Таня)
My mother's name is ------------
2 What is you father's name? (Саша)
3 Where does you mother work? (хозяйка)
4 Where does you father work?
----------------------------------------------------- (огород)
5 Have you got a sister or a brother?( брат)


Ответ дал: AnikaKot
 1What is you mother' name? ( Таня)
1My mother's name is Tanya
2 What is you father's name? (Саша)
2 My father's name is Sasha
3 Where does you mother work? (хозяйка)
3 My mother is a housewife.
4 Where does you father work?
4My dad works in the garden
5 Have you got a sister or a brother?
Yes, I have a brother.
Ответ дал: ShO28008
2)My father`s name is Sacha
3)My mother is a housewife
4)My father works in the garden
5)I have got a brother
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