2. Read the letter and fill the gaps using WHY, WHO, WHY, WHERE, WHEN, WHICH or WHOSE
Dear aunt Sveta,
How are you? My new address, 0) which I was supposed to give you a long time ago, is at the top of this page, Sorry! The village 1) ____________ I live now is very quiet and peaceful. In fact, that is the reason 2) _________ I decided to rent a hose here. The people 3) ___________live next door to me are very friendly. The day 4) ______________ I moved in, they invited me for tea. The woman 5) ______ house I have rented lives the same street s you. Sorry I must to go to my lessons.
Write me soon.


Ответ дал: Uleima
where      why    who    when   whose    
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