Помогите пожалуйста срочно . Англ.яз.4 класс
Chose and underlinre the right word
1) Rose street is (busy/busier/busiest) thean Baker street.
2) This bridge is ( long / longer / longest ) in the city .
3) The monument to Pushkin is (tall/taller/tallest ) than the monument to Ostrivskiy.
4)The Cathedral in the centre of the city is (big/bigger/biggest) than the church opposite it.
5 Marry is (old/older/oldest) child in the family.
6) I think bananas are ( tasty/tastier/tastiest) than oranges.
7) This street is ( long /longer/longest) in this city.
8) That church is ( nice/nicer/nicest)in the square .
9) Today the weather is (hot/hotter/hottest ) than it was yesterday .


Ответ дал: Ladyshka
1) Rose street is (busy/busier/busiest) thean Baker street.
2) This bridge is ( long / longer / the longest ) in the city .
3) The monument to Pushkin is (tall/taller/tallest ) than the monument to Ostrivskiy.
4)The Cathedral in the centre of the city is (big/bigger/biggest) than the church opposite it.
5 Marry is (old/older/the oldest) child in the family.
6) I think bananas are ( tasty/tastier/tastiest) than oranges. 
7) This street is ( long /longer/the longest) in this city. 
8) That church is ( nice/nicer/the nicest)in the square .
9) Today the weather is (hot/hotter/hottest ) than it was yesterday 

сирень12345: Спасибо
Ответ дал: artembednyakov
1. busier
2. longest
3. taller
4. bigger
6. tastier
7. longest
8. nicest
9. hotter

сирень12345: Спасибо большое
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