Завершить вопросы помогите
1.we didn't meet on Sunday,..........?
2.the pupils are seldom late ,...........?
3.we can sing English songs ,.........?
4.they never play on the floor,......?
5.there is no bookcase near the wall,.......?
6.there were plants in that classroom last year ,........?
7.pupils don't often laugh at maths,........?
8.we shall study art next year,........?


Ответ дал: Ваsилиsа
1. We didn't meet on Sunday, did we?
2. T
he pupils are seldom late, aren`t they?
3. W
e can sing English songs ,can`t we?
4.they never play on the floor, don`t they? Тут я не уверена. 
5.there is no bookcase near the wall, isn`t it?
6.there were plants in that classroom last year , weren`t they?
7.pupils don't often laugh at maths, do they?
8.we shall study art next year, shan`t we?

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