Нужно написать письмо TONY о своей школе и учебе.И задать ему 3 вопроса о его школьной жизни.Можно пользоваться текстом во вложений



Ответ дал: helperinenglish

Hello Tony! How are you?

As for me I am fine.

I want to tell you about my school life. We study different subjects at school. We don't wear uniform. It is cool, I think, Our classes last 45 minutes. We go to school 6 days a week. After classes we have different clubs and activities - dancing, singing, playing musical instrument, playing sport games, chess and so on. We have different competitions and performances every month. Our teachers are kind and they always help us. I like my school.

Do you like your school? Do you wear uniform at school? What is your favorite subject?

Sorry, I have to go now. 

I have to walk with a dog.


Ответ дал: lnevos

Hello Tony! How  are you? As for me I am really fine. You asked me about my school in your last letter, and I will be vey glad to write you a few words about it.

My school is situated near my house, so it doesn't take me much time to get there. My shool is big with large classes and comfortable desks and chairs. We have 2 gyms ther, one is for the senior pupil and the second one is for the juniors. They have all the necessery sport equipment. There we can play football, basketball and voleyball. Also we have a big stadium near the school. We study different subjects at school, but my favorite is informatics, because  we have very good computer classes there. I like to go to school, because i have many friends there and all the teachers are very kind and friendly.

And what about your school? Do you like to go there? Is it big and do you have many friends there? Do you have much homework to do and what is your favorite subject?

I am looking forward to hear from you!!!

Take care, bye!

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