complete the sentences. use the present continuous 1 She ................................................ (sing) 2 They ...............................................(read) 3 It .....................................................(drink) 4 I .........................................................(play) 5 you ................................................ (draw) 6 he ...................................................... (work) 7 Denis ......................................... (walk) 8 Kate ..........................................(cook) 9 Denis and Kate ...............................(talk) 10 Kate"s pet .............................. (sleep)


Ответ дал: трололошил

1 She is singing 2 They are reading 3 It is drinking 4 I am playing 5 you are drawing 6 he is working 7 Denis is walking 8 Kate is cooking 9 Denis and Kate are talking 10 Kate"s pet is sleeping   в девятом are потому что  Denis and Kate это они (множественное число

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