Make up sentences from the words
at a hotel, Mike, did, last summer, stay? ______________________
you, understand, didn't, the exercise, yesterday?_____________________
did, buy, Alice, where, red, a dress?_____________________
didb't, play, why esterday, you, the piano?___________________
went, yesterday, who, to the market, afternoon?_____________________
His broter, why, take, yesterday evening, didn't, his dog, for a wolk?__________________

TheSamilyaSmile: 100 ??axaxa
Аноним: Да. Я пришлю если будет правильно и сделано) С помощью одной программы)


Ответ дал: КрутаяБаффи
1. Did Mike stay at a hotel last summer?
2. Didn't you understand the exercise yesterday?
3. Where did Alice buy a red dress?
4. Why didn't you play the piano yesterday?
5. Who went to the market yesterday afternoon?
6. Why didn't his brother take his dog for a walk yesterday evening?
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