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Arjuna is only 13 years old, but experts say he is a genius. He made history last year when he graduated from university at the age of 12. Most students graduated when they are twenty-three. He learned to count when he was one and a half and his parents realised thet he was so good at Maths. Arjuna found subtracting and multiplying very easy when he was two years old while most children can subtract and multiply when they are 7 or 8. He started school at the age of 3 and took national exams in Maths (GCSE) when he was seven years old while other student take GCSE exams when they are teenagers of 16.
Arjuna gets up at 6:45 a.m., because his train to school leaves an hour later. He doesn't eat a lot for breacfast. His mum says that he doesn't eat enough!
He goes alone on the train to Richmond, and then he walks to his school. People often think that he's good at every subject, but it isn't true. It's only Maths that he can do very well.
When he passed his Maths exam, he was on TV, it was brilliant! The TV station came to school and filmed him and his class. Also, a newspaper invited him to be the editor for a day. They gave him a cheque for $1 million - but it wasn't real!
Arjuna's day at school is quite ordinary. He has lessons in the morning, and then lunch at school' Mum makes sandwiches for him. In the afternoons, they usually do sport. Arjuna isn't really interested in sport and he hater rugby.
In the evening's he does his homework, then he plays computer games. He also loves reading and playing chess. At 9.30 his dad tells him to go to bed. But he ussually stays up for another three quarters of an hour, and then goes to bed.
1.Arjuna could .......... when he was 2 years old.
A) count Б) take CCSE exams
B) subtract Г) multiply
2. Most teenahers take GCSE exams when they are .......... years old.
A) seven Б) eight
В) sixteen Г) twenty-three
3. Arjuna took GCSE exams in Maths when he was .......... years old
A) three Б) seven
B) twelve Г) thirteen
4. Arjuna usually goes to bed at .......... .
A) quarter past ten Б) half past nine
B) quarter to ten Г) ten fifteen


Ответ дал: КрутаяБаффи
1 - В, Г
2 - В
3 - Б
4 - А
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