Помогите пожалуйста очень срочно надо , у меня за 1 триместр может выйти 2 по английскому языку из-за вот этого сочинения если я его не сделаю а мне нужно принести его завтра помогите пожалуйста написать сочинение срочноооооо надо я вам дам баллов сколько захотите но пожалуйста только помогите мне услышите меня пожалуйста


Dima2005199911: ????????????
iimath: нужно и A, и B сделать, правильно?
Dima2005199911: да
Dima2005199911: только помогите пожалуйста
Dima2005199911: помогите
Dima2005199911: пожалуйста
Dima2005199911: я вам дам 20 баллов
Dima2005199911: или даже больше
Dima2005199911: только помогите пожалуйста
Dima2005199911: я вас молю


Ответ дал: iimath

Dear Peter,
I was very glad to receive your letter and hear about you! I'm sorry I haven't answered earlier, I was too busy.
My summer was really impressive! I had time to meet all my friends, even from other cities. My friend Denis came to me from Saint-Petersburg in July. It was his first time in Moscow, by the way. He stayed at my place, so we spent lots of time talking about everything and walking all over the city. I miss him already.
I love birthdays so much! And you? How are you going to celebrate it? What do you want to get as a present?
I've got to go now. Happy birthday, Peter!

Best wishes,


Dear Robert,
Thanks a lot for your email. I'm glad to hear about you again!
My trip was the best in my life! And I got home fast and safe. Thank you and your nicest family that let me stay with you. Everything was great, and your mum's biscuits were a hands-down winner. Your father's such an interesting person, it seems there isn't a thing he doesn't know. And you're my soulmate, I hope we'll be friends forever.
I want you to visit me and my family. Would you like to come? When can you do that? It would be cool.
I'm sorry I should go now, too many things to do. Hope to see you soon!

Best wishes,

Dima2005199911: спасибочки вам большое огромное что вы меня выручили в трудную минуту
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