Переведите пожалуйста в формы глаголов английского языка: Past Simple и Present Perfect
1.She ( come )
2.They (build)
3. Pete ( find )
4. The British (drive)
5. We ( forget )
6. My parents (fly)
7. I ( drink)


Ответ дал: Marisska
1. She came/She has come
2. They built/ They have built
3. Pete found/ Pete has found
4. The British drove/ The British have driven
5. We forgot/ We have forgotten
6. My parents flew/ My parents have flown
7. I drank/ I have drunk
Ответ дал: masharebrova
she came\she has come
they built\they have built
pete found\pete has found
the british drove\the british have driven
we forgot\we have forgotten
my parents flew\my parents have flown
i drank\i have drunk
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