Напишите пожалуйсто не большое сичинение по английскому языку 6класс как я был в зоопарке


Ответ дал: Anna3Banana
Last summer my family and I went to the zoo. The weather was fine and my parents rested at home, so we decided to go to the zoo. It wasn't my first visit to the zoo, but I was really impressed! There was so beautiful and sunny. There were a lot of flowers and animals sounds everywhere. I saw bears, giraffes, snakes, parrots, horses, zebras and other animals. We even fed some monkeys with bananas. At the end of our visit we took a photo with a huge lizard. Now we have this photo in our living room and looking at it I rememver my visit to the zoo.

kiyatroyanov: Спасибо тебе большое
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