Поставить слова в скобках в правильную форму (past simple,past perfect simple,past perfect continuous.)
1. He staged a burglary because he didn't want to admit that he...(break) his sister's laptop. 2. The family...(wait for hours when the police finally... (arrive) 3. When she opened the door, she realized that someone...(break) into the house. 4. At first, it looked as though the burglars...(not take) anything, but later she realized they...(steal) all of her jewellery. 5. He said he...(sleep) at the time of the murder, but in fact he...(wait) outside the victim's door.


Ответ дал: ChazzyChaz1976
1. He staged a burglary because he didn't want to admit that he had broken his sister's laptop.
2. The family was waiting for hours when the police finally arrived.
3. When she opened the door, she realized that someone had broken into the house.
4. At first, it looked as though the burglars didn't take anything, but later she realized they had stolen all of her jewellery.
5. He said he was sleeping at the time of the murder, but in fact he had been waiting outside the victim's door.
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