Thece people like their jods.
What do they usually do? Are they doing the same thing at this moment? Use the words from the box and put the verds in the correct verb forms.
Данные слова : Play the piano, danse, a photographer, a pianist, sing songs (sing a song ) , play footdall, take a photo, a footdall player, write a book, a singer, a danser, a writer .
Образец : He is a pianist .He plays the piano every day . He has played the piano since he was 7. He isn,t playing the piano now .
1. a photographer / take a photo /since he was 18.
2a football player /play football /for 8 years .
3. a singer /sing songs at concert /sing a song .
4. a dancer/danse at the theatre /since she was 6
5. a writer /write books / work on the last book / for many years


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

1 He is a photographer. He takes photos every day. He has taken photos since he was 18. He isn't taking photos now.

2 He is a footballer player. He plays football every day. He has been playing football for 8 years. He isn't playing football now.

3 She is a singer. She sings songs at concert every day. She isn’t singing a song now.

4. She is a dancer. She dances at the theatre every day. She has danced since she was 6. She isn't dancing now.

5. He is a writer. He writes books every day. Now he isn’t/ is working on the last book. He has been writing books for many years.

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