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Ответ дал: a9159114467tit
From 1990 to 1995, the Prince attended school Ludgrove in Berkshire. It was a boarding school, and William did everything on par with the others, even lived in a room with four other students. At school he was captain of the hockey team and the Rugby team, was fond of swimming, played soccer and basketball, and also represented the school at marathons running on rough terrain. After high school William joined the famous Eton College, where he studied geography, biology and art history. The Prince was always a good student and got good grades both in core subjects and on education, in addition, easily found a common language with their peers. Thanks sociability, natural tact and modesty in the utter absence of arrogance he quickly acquired friends and acquaintances. However, in College he lived in a separate room and had a separate shower — but not out of arrogance, but because of security reasons. When in August 1996, William's parents were divorced, the Prince took it hard. He was always closer with her mother than with her father, but Princess Diana after the divorce and talked a lot with the children. Even after the divorce, she was still considered a member of the Royal family and lived in Kensington Palace, many engaged in charity work. The big blow in the life of a Prince was on 31 August 1997, when his mother, Princess Diana, died in a car crash in Paris. The tragedy about the Prince learned only September 1 from his father, as Prince Charles has forbidden to have children in the house radio. No matter how hard it was to cope with collapsed on him with grief, William found the strength to participate in the funeral arrangements. He and brother, Prince Harry, walked behind the coffin of the mother in the funeral procession to the Westminster Abbey, where was the funeral. After the death of the mother of William at his own request was visited by a psychoanalyst. In this period, the old hostility to the press of William became aggravated to a limit: he blamed the paparazzi in the death of his mother. In July 2000, after graduating from Eton College, the Prince, like many students, we decided to take a break in their studies. He traveled extensively, visited Chile, visited in Africa after his mother (Princess Diana was active in charity), and even worked on an English dairy farm. After one year, Prince William chose his future path: he decided to enroll in the prestigious St. Andrews University in Scotland, and soon became a student. Your age (under British law it occurs at the age of 21) the Prince was celebrated with a party in the African style, which was held at Windsor castle under the care of the Queen. Thesis Prince in 2005 was devoted to coral reefs. He graduated from the University with very good results (though not with honors), and in this surpassed his father, a graduate of Cambridge. In recognition of the William, he held in St. Andrew four happy years. Some time after graduation, William worked and engaged in socially useful business, for example, represented Her Majesty in New Zealand, in the cities of Wellington and Auckland at the celebrations dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second world war. In may 2006 Prince William entered the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He received the rank of officer in December 2006 and joined the Royal cavalry as a Second Lieutenant. In this respect his career is not different from the career of his ancestors in the male line, beginning with Henry V, because in the UK the monarch is formally headed by the country's armed forces. In 2009, the year after flight school KWS in Cranwell was transferred to the Royal air force and promoted to the rank of captain (Flight Lieutenant). Currently serving in the position of rescue helicopter pilot. In December 2011 he participated in the operation to rescue Russian sailors from a sinking ship "Swanland".

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