Помогите кому не сложно! Пожалуйста!

Put the adjectives in brackets into the form which best suits the meaning of
the sentence.
1. That is (thrilling) western I've ever seen! 2. In your opinion what is (stressful) aspect
of being a doctor? 3. Who is (useful) to society: a policeman or a social worker. 4. I
think women are (careful) drivers than men. 5. He feels much (fit) since he stopped
smoking. 6. There is nothing (annoying) than loosing the door key. 7. Michael prefers to
be alone. He is (sociable) person in the office. 8. That is (bad) food I've ever had! 9. We
got (modern) equipment available. 10. Which is (good) dress of the two? 11. Of the
twins Sarah is (happy). 12. Which computer has (great) capacity, yours or mine? 13.
Which room is (large), the family room or living room? 14. Which sales representative is
(successful), Mark or Brian? 15. Of the two sisters Monica is (intelligent).


Ответ дал: КрутаяБаффи
1. the most thrilling
2. the most stressfull
3. more useful
4. more careful
5. fitter
6. more annoying
7. the least sociable
8. the worst
9. the most modern
10. the best
11. happier
12. greater
13. larger
14. more successful
15. more intelligent
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