попробуй предсказать когда в твоей жизни произойдут эти события? образец; i think i will play in two hours.
play computer games
wash your hair,
buy a car
get a good mark in Mathematics
get a good mark in English
get a bad mark in Russian
make five mistakes in a test
make one mistakes in a test
make a cake
find a job
fly to London
malk the dog
clean your room


Ответ дал: КрутаяБаффи
I think I will play computer games tomorrow afternoon.
I think I will wash my hair on Wednesday.
I think I will buy a car in 10 years.
I think I will get a good mark in Mathematics on Tuesday.
I think I will get a good mark in English in the next lesson.
I think I will get a bad mark in Russian during the next dictation.
I think I will make five mistakes in a test next week.
I think I will make one mistake in a test next moth.
I think I will make a cake for my birthday in December.
I think I will find a job soon.
I think I will fly to London in spring.
I think I will walk the dog in the evening.
I think I will clean my room on Saturday.
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