if you (finish) in time you wouldn't have been late.
the day(be) fine if they hadn't argued.
if we( recucle) the litter the environment (be) cleaner.
if you (not,come) so early they (not, get up).
what you (do) if you (win) a lottery?
if i (be) you i never (ask) him for help.
what you (do) if the computer hadn't worked?
if (be) better if you didn't go there. CONDITIONAL || ||| помогите пож


Ответ дал: nunny
If you (had finisher) in time you wouldn't have been late. the day (would have been) fine if they hadn't argued.
if we( recycled) the litter the environment (would be) cleaner.
if you (had not,come) so early they (would not, got up).
what would you (do) if you (won) a lottery?
if i (were) you I would never (ask) him for help.
what would you (have done) if the computer hadn't worked?
It would (be) better if you didn't go there.

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