Упражнение 2: Поставьте артикли, где необходимо.
1. I usually buy ____ newspaper.
2. We go to ____ theatre every month.
3. My brother is _____ artist.
4. It’s ____ beautiful day today.
5. I eat ____ sandwich and ____ apple.
6. Britain is ____ industrial (промышленная) country.
7. I have ____ bath every morning.
8. Barbara works in ____ office.
9. It’s ____ very difficult question.
10. We always stay at ____ expensive hotel.
11. Do you want ____ cup of tea?
12. Alice works in ____ bank.
13. I want to ask ____ question.
14. Birmingham is ____ large city in central England.
15. "What is your ____ job?” "I’m ____ dentist.”
16. I have ____ big house near London.
17. My son is at ____ home.
18. He has ____ camera.
19. Look! This is ____ shop.
20. Go to the bus-stop and take ____ bus number 26.


Ответ дал: liz172
1. I usually buy a newspaper.
2. We go to the theatre every month.
3. My brother is an artist.
4. It’s a beautiful day today.
5. I eat a sandwich and an apple.
6. Britain is an industrial (промышленная) country.
7. I have a bath every morning.
8. Barbara works in an office.
9. It’s a very difficult question.
10. We always stay at an expensive hotel.
11. Do you want a cup of tea?
12. Alice works in a bank.
13. I want to ask a question.
14. Birmingham is a large city in central England.
15. "What is your  job?” "I’m a dentist.”
16. I have a big house near London.
17. My son is at home.
18. He has a camera.
19. Look! This is a shop.
20. Go to the bus-stop and take a bus number 26.
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