Write sentences with but.

1.I was sad/ My friend / happy.
2.He drinks orange juice. He / never / milk.
3.She's got a big watch. I / small / watch.
4.His jacket is new. His shoes / old.
5.You are ten. Your friend / eight.
6.My friend is tall. His brother / short.


Ответ дал: cлюда
1I was sad but my friend was happy.
2He drinks orange juice but he never drinks milk.
3she's got a big watch but I have a small watch.
4His jacket is new but his shoes are old.
5You are ten but your friend is eight.
6My friend is tall but his brother is short.
Ответ дал: kristina039
I was sad but my friend was happy.
2He drinks orange juice but he never drinks milk.
3she's got a big watch but I have a small watch.
4His jacket is new but his shoes are old.
5You are ten but your friend is eight.
6My friend is tall but his brother is short.
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