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Alice: ...............................................................................................

Kate's mother: i'm sorry, Alice. she isn't in . she is in the park

Alice: .....................................................................................................

Kate's mother : of course, you may. She'll be at home at 6 p.m.

Alice: ......................................................................................................

Kate's mother: bye.


Ответ дал: JustTooGood

1. Alice: Is she at home?

2. Alice: May I come at 6 o`clock today?

3.Ok, good bye!

Ответ дал: Andrienkov

Alice: Good morning! It is Alice- Kate`s friend. I decide to invite Kate go to the cinema with me. Is she at home?


Kate's mother: i'm sorry, Alice. she isn't in . she is in the park

Alice: May I leave this letter for her? When Kate will arrive?

Kate's mother : of course, you may. She'll be at home at 6 p.m.

Alice: Thank you very much! See you!

Kate's mother: bye.

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