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CORRECT VERB FORMS(правильную форму написания выбрать)
1.Storms around the world (cause/are caused) much damage.

2.Many letters (receive/are received) by the office manager every day.

3.At our school concerts are held/held very often.

4.During the break many buns are bought/bought at the canteen.

5.His uncle is told/tells lots of stories.

6.the streets are cleaned/cleaned/cleaned every day.

7.yesterday i took/was taken to the dentist.

8.students made/are made lots of grammar mistakes.

9.their passports stole/were stolen.

10.the exercise can do/can be done in writing.


Ответ дал: Элис2105
Cause,are recieved,are held, are bought,tells,are cleaned,was taken,made,were stolen, can be done
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