1) We (I)____ (to eat) everything by the time he (II)____ (to arrive) at the party.
I) A. had eaten C. were eating
B. ate D. had been eating

II) A. had arrived C.was arriving
B. arrived D. had been arriving

2) What novel did Evelyn Waugh describe his undergraduate years in?
A. "Decline and Fall"
B. "Put Out More Flags"
C. "Helena"

3) Lord Tennyson presented a satire on____ in his narrative poem "The Princes: A Medley"
A. men's education
B. women's education
C. the teaching process

4) Oxfard is associated with____
A. textile industry
B. the motor industry
C. steel industry

5)At Oxford the academic year is divided into
A. three terms
B. four terms
C. two terms

6)At Cambridge the academic year is divided into
A. two terms
B. four terms
C. three terms


Ответ дал: ParkChanyeolExo
1) A, B
2) A
3) B (неточно)
4) B
5) A
6) C
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