Fill in the prepositions if necessary
1) the salt, please 2) Pass the 3) Show....the teacher this book. 4) Are you going.... home? 5) The teacher is entering....the room. 6) Will you, I^ll come.... a minute. 7) Are you ready...the answer? 8) Have some fruit....pleasure. 9) Help yourself....some fruit, please. 10) I prefer an 11) The children are ready....breakfast. 12) They are waiting.... their father. 13) Let^s have sme herring to begin...... 13) I prefer a piece of cake....sweets. 14) A waitress is coming....our table. 15) Going to the river is...... the question it^s too cold to bathe today.

BrightOne: 13 повторяется?


Ответ дал: BrightOne
1. -
2. to
3. -
4. -
5. -
6. for, in
7. for
8. -
9. with
10. -
11. for
12. for
13 (Let's have sщme herring to begin) -
13 ( I prefer a piece of cake....sweets) or
14. to
15. -

Ответ дал: JaneXX
1. -; 2. to; 3. -; 4. -; 5. -; 6. for; in; 7. for; 8. for; 9. to; 10. to; 11. for; 12. for; 13. for, to; 14. to; 15. in.
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