say who in your family
1. usually makes breafast
2. made breakfast yesterday
3. does the rooms in the flat\house
4. did the rooms yesterday
5. spent a lot of time in the country last summer
6. is interested in sport
7. was interested in animals when a child
8. could ride a bike when a child
9. can swim well


Ответ дал: galina572319
1 My mother usually makes breakfast in our family.
2 Mum made breakfast yesterday.
3 My father and me do the rooms in the flat.
4 Dad did the rooms yesterday.
5 My granny spent a lot of time in the country last summer.
6 I am interested in sport.
7 My granny was interested in animals when a child.
8 Dad could ride a bike when a child.
9  I can swim well.
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