Вставьте предлоги.
1) please sit down and have some tea. I'd like you to feel ___ home. 2) As soon as I entered ___ the house, I felt that i'd been there before. 3) If you're ___ with your homework, we can take a walk in the park. 4) it's very bad manners to push people ___. 5) we don't mind ___ staying alone for some time. 6) The young mother was holding the little boy ___ the hand. 7) Did you enjoy yourself ___ the concert yesterday night? 8) Why are you saying it ___ a whisper ? Is it a secret? 9) All my class are looking forward ___ our excursion to St Peterburg. 10) Their family has grown bigger and they are looking ___ a new more spacious house. 11) I didn't read that article, I just looked ___ it. 12) Looking ___ sick people is a very difficult job.


Ответ дал: Rainymood
1. at
2. -
3. through
4. around
5.  -
6.  at
7.  in
8. to
9. for
10. after
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