Сomplete the sentences with must/cant/couldnt and the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1)I phoned them last night but no one answered.They___(be) out.
2)You___(see) her at the station-sge was at home with me!
4)What happened to sentence 3?They __ (forget) about it!
5)He lost his job and then his father died-it __(be) an easy time fpr him.
6)Youre going out with Victor?You __(be) serious!In fact,you__(be) mad!
7)He __ (be) hungry-hes just had lunch!


Ответ дал: НастяСуркова666
1 Could be
2 Couldn*t see
3 Forgot
4 was
5 Must be; are
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