Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в форме Future Indefinite, переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Tomorrow I (not to go) to the University because it (to be) Sunday.
2. My parents (not to be) at home.
3. They (to go) to their friends, the Browns, who got a new flat last week.
4. My father and mother (to go) to see it.
5. I (to be) at home and (to stay) with my friends.
6. I (to invite) my group-mates and we (to have) a good time.
7. Sam (to bring) some tapes and we (to listen) to music and (to dance).
8. Who else (to come)?
9. I think, I (to call) Mary and John.
10. They (to be happy) to pay me a visit and to see Sam.


Ответ дал: Anya540
1) won't....it will be
2) won't be
3) will go
4) will go
5) will be...will stay
6) will invite....we will have
7) will bring
8) wiil come
9) will call
10) will be happy
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