Поставьте сдующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму.
1)Mary has got a family.
2) Jane has got a lot of children.
3)I've got a wife.
4) My children have got a lot of friends.
5) They have their English in the morning .
6) They had a dictation yesterday.
7) He's having dinner now.
8) I often have a lit of work to do.
9) I've got a lot of work to do today.
10) She had a lot of work to do last week.


Ответ дал: Mashka9915
hasn't got
hasn't got
haven't got
haven't got
they have no english
they had no dictation
isn't having
i often have no work 
haven't got

AdaFa06: А вопросительную форму?? Плиз?
Mashka9915: hasn't mary got
Mashka9915: hasn't jane got, haven't i got, haven't my children got, do they have no english, did they have no dictation, isn't he having, don't you have, haven't you got, didn't she have
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