1. Underline the correct form of the non-finite form of the verb.

1 It is considered to be unlucky _______ under ladders. (to walk/walk/walking)

2 I hate _______ out in the rain. (go/to go/going )

3 She went for a walk _______ some fresh air. (get/to get/getting )

4 I don't want _______ this film. (watch/to watch /watching )

5 He was happy _______ home at last. (be/to be/being )

6 My father made me _______ my bedroom. (tidy/to tidy/tidying )

7 Sam agreed _______ me with my homework. (help/to help/helping )

8 The man confessed to _______ the documents. (steal/to steal/ stealing )


Ответ дал: cлюда
1to walk
3to get
4to watch
7to help
8to have stolen
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