СРОЧНО ОЧЕНЬ! НУЖНО ПОСТАВИТЬ В НУЖНУЮ ФОРМУ!1.If she (ring) me up, I (tell) hea the news. 2. If she ( finish) her research, she ( take part) in the test. 3. If I (be) you, I (visit) the old man. 4. If he (train) a lot , he (win) the competition. 5. If you (learn) German, you (stay) out of trouble. 6. If we (cut) down forest, the our wouldn`t be clean. 7. If I (have) a brother . I (be) not a lonely child . 8. I (get) a good mark. If I (study) well last you.


Ответ дал: cлюда
1rings.I'll tell
2finishes.will take part
3were.would visit
4trained.would win
5learnt.would stay
6didn't cut.would be
7had.wouldn't be
8would get.studied
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