Fill in the gaps.Use the words in the box.
Have/Has,How long, where,who,what.
1) ... Has won the first Prize?
2)......... Has she gone?
3) ........ She ever been to France?
4) .......... You ever played golf?
5) .......... Have you been? I haven't seen you for ages.
6)........... Have they done?-they have broken a window.
7).......have you known each other?
8)........ She known Mike before?
9)......... Have you put my bag,Mum?
10) ........ He already had breakfast?


Ответ дал: Bibi11
1) who
2) where
3) has
4) have
5) where
6) what
7) how long
8) has
9) where
10) has
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