Open the brackets using the following adverb in a correct form.
1. Jack dances very (good, well) and never steps on people’s feet.
2. This train goes (fast, fastly).
3. The soup smells (awful, awfully).
4. Helen worked very (hard, hardly) and was given an extra holiday.
5. One boxer hit the other really (hard, hardly) right in the chin.
6. Everyone in the team played (good, well).
7. She was (fatally, deadly) injured in the crash.
8. Take it (easy, easily).
9. That suits me (fine, finely).
10. You can speak (free, freely). I won’t tell anyone what you say.
Open the brackets using the following adverb in a correct form.
1. I hate arriving (late, lately).
2. I haven’t been to the theatre much (lately, late).
3. Throw it as (highly, high) as you can.
4. I can (highly, high) recommend it.
5. He can jump really (high, highly).
6. My friends are (mostly, most) non-smokers.
7. You are a (most, mostly) unusual person.
8. She is sleeping (sound, soundly).
9. Can you be there at 6 o’clock (sharp, sharply)?
10. She looked at him (sharply, sharp).
Make the following sentences into the negative and interrogative forms.
1.I’m going to work in summer.
2. We’re going to get married in June.
3. He is going to paint at school.
4. Ann is going to be a teacher.
5.I am going to become a dancer.
6. We are going to the cinema tomorrow.
7. Helen and Nick are going to the concert tonight.
8. Mary is going to become an aunt.
9.It is going to be rain.
10. I am going to Kyiv in two weeks.


Ответ дал: MrHaos
2) fast
3) awful
4) hard
5) hard
6) well
7) fatally
8) easy
9) fine
10) freely
 1) late
2) lately
3) high
4) highly
5) high
6) mostly
7) most
8) soundly
9) sharp
10) sharply

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