Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в форме Past
1) We (work) in our garden all day yesterday. 2) I (listen) to the
radio until twelve o’clock last night. 3) He always (want) to learn
English. 4) Ann and I (talk) over the telephone yesterday. 5) They
(live) in France for many years. 6) The meeting (last) about two
hours. 7) I (wait) almost two hours for Helen yesterday. 8) She
(study) in our class last semester. 9) We (watch) television until
eleven o’clock last night. 10) Mr. and Mrs. Simpson (invite) all their
friends and neighbours to a party last night. 11) In the morning my
parents (work) outside. 12) I (meet) a friend on my way to class. 13)
Someone (steal) my bike and I (have to) to call the police. 14) I
(play) football on my weekend. 15) In winter I (skate)


Ответ дал: nastyshka991
1.Worked 2. Listened 3. Там always это настоящее время , past simple не может быть. 4. Talked 5. Lived 6. Lasted 7. Waited 8. Stadied 9. Watching 10. Invited 11. Worked 12. Met 13.Stole .. I had.. 14. Played 15. Skated

Saku: 3) может там быть, если задание такое, только предложение получается чуток русифицированным; 8) studied; 9) watched
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