напишите по образцу
(funny) This toy is funnier than that toy.
1. (happy) Sveta is ..... than her sister.
2. (funny) The monkey is ..... than the cat.
3. (ugly) This doll is ..... than that doll.
4. (hungry) This dog is ..... than that dog.
5. (busy) You are ..... than Oleg.


Ответ дал: Alphacs
Sveta is more happy than her sister.
The monkey is funnier than the cat
This doll is more ugly than the doll
This dog is more hungry than that dog
You are more busy than Oleg
Ответ дал: GreatBuu
1.Sveta is happier than her sister 2.The monkey is funnier than the cat 3.This doll is uglier than that doll 4.This dog is hungrier than that dog 5.You are busier than Oleg
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