Present Simple,Past Simple,Future Simple
1.Выберите и вставьте в предложение правильную форму глагола.
1.I usually ... my Granny on Saturday.
a)visits b)visited c)visit d)will visit
2.There ... 30 pupils in our class last year.
a)were b)was c)are d)is
3.I can ... English very well.
a)spoke b)speaks c)speak d)will speak
4. ... they go to the Zoo with us next week?
a)shall b)will c)do d)did
5.I ... to my friends place yesterday.
a)goed b)went c)goes d)will go
6.He will not ... his holidays in America.
a)spent b)spented c)spends d)spend


Ответ дал: sstasya356
Visit were speak will went spent

knowwhat: spend
sstasya356: Spend:) 
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