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Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму.

1) She wouldn’t have failed her entrance exams if she ___ (to work) harder.

2) You ___ (to be) able to buy that jacket if you hadn’t spent all you money.

3) She wouldn’t have left you if you ___ (not to be) so rude to her.

4) He___ (not to eat) that sandwich if he had seen you drop it on the floor.

5) If it ___ (to snow), we would have gone skiing.

6) I would have invited you to the party if I ___ (to have) your number.

7) If she ___ (to know) it was your birthday, she would have bought you a present.

8) If I had had some flour, I___ (to make) pizza.

9) They ___ (to go) to the beach if it had been sunny.

10) If I ___ (to see) the robbery this afternoon, I would have called the police.


Ответ дал: nunny
1) She wouldn’t have failed her entrance exams if she ___ (had worked) harder.
2) You ___ (would have been) able to buy that jacket if you hadn’t spent all you money.
3) She wouldn’t have left you if you ___ (had not been) so rude to her.
4) He___ (would not have eaten) that sandwich if he had seen you drop it on the floor.
5) If it ___ (had snowed), we would have gone skiing.
6) I would have invited you to the party if I ___ (had had) your number.
7) If she ___ (had known) it was your birthday, she would have bought you a present.
8) If I had had some flour, I___ (would have made) pizza.
9) They ___ (would have gone) to the beach if it had been sunny.
10) If I ___ (had seen) the robbery this afternoon, I would have called the police.

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