Read the pairs of synonyms and choose the odd ones/
1) a) to say - to tell b) to utter - to whisper
c) to cry - to shout d) to exclaim - to explain

2) a) to make - to do b) to admit - to admire
c) to suggest - to to offer d) to convinсe - to persuade

3) a) to cry - to sob b) to to help - to give a hand
c) to move - to stop d) to bring - to fetch


Ответ дал: Lunatus
I choosed as the odd pairs:
d) to exclaim - to explain
b) to admit - to admire
c) to move - to stop
It is not a synonym pairs, because this words have different meanings.
Let's look the translation:
воскликнуть - объяснять
признавать - восхищаться
двигаться - остановиться

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