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Put the verbs in brasckets into the Simple Present or Present Cont.
Today (1) is (be) Sunday. My sister (2) ...(paint) a picture at the moment. My brothers (3) ... (ride) their bicycles in the garden now. They (4) ... (wear) their new jackets. I often (5) ... (read) a magazine on Sundays, but today i (6) ... (write) a letter to my cousin, Anna. She often (7) ... (send) me letters. Anna (8) ... (want) to be a doctor. Sometimes my mother (9) ... (ask) me what i (10) ... (want) to be, but i (11) ... (not/know).


Ответ дал: diana09090
1) is 2) is painting 3) are riding 4) wear 5)read 6) am writing 7) sends 8) wants 9) asks 10) want 11) don not know
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