Раскройте скобки и напиши глаголы в правильном времени (Present Simple or Past Simple)

1) We
(to visit) our parents every Sunday.

2) He
(to study) Spanish last year.

3) School
(to start) at half past eight.

4) They
(to play) football yesterday.

5) Nina
(to like) eggs.

6) Their baby
(to cry) very often.

7) My brother
(to watch) television every morning.

8) Bob
(to need) that book yesterday.

9) The Earth
(to be) round.

10) They
(to stop) the car in front of the restaurant and went there.


Ответ дал: nunny
1) We ( visit) our parents every Sunday.
2) He ( studied) Spanish last year.
3) School ( starts) at half past eight.
4) They ( played) football yesterday.
5) Nina ( likes) eggs.
6) Their baby ( cries) very often.
7) My brother ( watches) television every morning.
8) Bob ( needed) that book yesterday.
9) The Earth is) round.
10) They ( stopped) the car in front of the restaurant and went in there.

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