Прочитай вопросы и кратко ответь на них.

1)Were you in the country last summer?

2)Did Jim and Jill go to the forest?-Yes,______

3)Was Tiny in London three days ago?-No,______

4)Were the children in the zoo last Sunday? No,_______

5)Did Simon take his kitten for a walk yesterday? No,_____ помогите


Ответ дал: elinasuperstar
1)Yes,i were
2)Yes,they did
3)No,she wasn't
4)No,they weren't
5)No,he didn't

jarvisedwin: у тебя первой не правильно
elinasuperstar: почему ты так считаешь?
elinasuperstar: а точняк
Ответ дал: jarvisedwin
1) Yes, i was.
2)Yes, they did.
3)No, she wasnt.
4)No, they werent
5)No, he didnt
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