Помогите пожалуйста
1. Put the articles where necessary:
1. Have you ever heard her telling ... lie?
2. He never speaks in... whisper.
3. He always shouts at ... top of his voice.
4. I can’t say there are many dictionaries in the library but there are ... few.
5. It’s twelve o’clock. Let’s have ... break.
6. Did you have ... good time at ... party? – Rather.
7. Jane is always in ... hurry.
8. I’ve been looking for ... textbook for two weeks already. But I haven’t found it yet. What ... shame!


Ответ дал: dAlison
1. Have you ever heard her telling the lie?
2. He never speaks in a whisper.
3. He always shouts at the top of his voice.
4. I can’t say there are many dictionaries in the library but there are few.
5. It’s twelve o’clock. Let’s have a break.
6. Did you have a good time at the party? – Rather.
7. Jane is always in a hurry.
8. I’ve been looking for a textbook for two weeks already. But I haven’t found it yet. What a shame!
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