Put the verbs in brackets into the "Past Simple".

Pamela: What 1) did you do (you\do) last weekend?
Tony: I 2)......(go) to my cousin's house.
Pamela: 3).....(be) it far?
Tony: No, it only 4).....(take) us 30 minutes.
Pamela: 5).....(you\stay) there long?
Tony: We 6)....(stay) only for the weekend. What 7)....(you\do) last weekend?
Pamela: My family and i 8).......(take) the dog and we 9).......(have) a picnic on the beach.
Tony: 10)......(be) it sunny?
Pamela: Yes,the sun 11)........(shine) all day.


Ответ дал: dinaro4ka0690
2 went 3 was 4 took 5 did you stay 6 stayed 7 did you do 8 took 9 had 10 Was 11 shone
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