закончи эти предложения выбрав правильную форму глагола. 1) i (like/likes) apples, my brother (like/likes) bananas. 2)my dad (swim/swims) in the morning.3)We (ride/rides) our bikes by the leke.4)Harry and Emily (meet/meets) under a big old tree.5) The elf (feed/feeds) her pet. 6) You (kiss/kisses) your mum goodnight.
7) They ( sleep/sleeps) at night . 8)my parents (help/helps) my grandad.


Ответ дал: дружок01
i like apples
my brother likes bananas
my dad swims in the morning
we ride our bikes by the lake
Harry and Emily meet under a big old tree
The elf feeds her pet
You kiss your mum goodnight
They sleep at night
My parents help my grandad
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