Why is it important to learn foreign languages
What languages would you like are released to learn?Why?

laman20032: 1)почему надо учить иностранные языки?
laman20032: 2) почему вы хотели бы учить другие языки и какой это язык?
аксельвитсель1: а если анг хочу я отличник по нему


Ответ дал: NAsТYa
I think, languages are important to learn because if you want a job with a good salary, you should know at least one language. Also, knowing foreign languages is good for travellers. 
I would like to learn English, of course. At first, English is one of the most popular language in the world. The language is spoken by the entire world. Secondly, I'd like to discover British history and culture, so, it includes language.

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