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III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму. There (1 — be) many ways of (2 — get) to know people and their country. One way (3 — be) to get a job there. My friend and I (4 — think) it (5 — look) just what we (6 — dream) of for the summer holiday in England. We (7 — can) improve our English, and it not (8 — cost) us anything, and we probably (9 — make) enough money (10— have) a week or two in London at the end.In June we (11 — set) off for Sonnybrook Fruit Farm in East Anglia. We (12 — find) the farm building, but there (13 — be) no one about. We (14 — knock) on the door of the farmhouse, it (15— open) by a woman. We (16 — explain) to her what we (17 — come) for. Then we (18 — take) to a low white building which (19 — be) our accommodation. We (20 — be) to pay 20 pounds per week for this and food. There (21 — be) other students too, from different countries. They (22 — tell) us a lot of things. They (23 — say) there (24 — be) not enough work for everyone, and you (25 — have) to be up early if you (26 — want) to work. The next day we (27 — come) to the farmyard by 7. That day we (28 — be) lucky. We (29 — send) to pick strawberries. Some of the others who (30 — pick) strawberries before (31 — tell) us what to do. We (32 — start) working. After I (33 — work) for five minutes I (34 – get) a backache, but I (35 – keep) on (36 – work). We (37 – work) hard till twelve when we (38 — have) an hour off for lunch. By that time I (39 — pick) thirteen boxes and my friend (40 — do) fourteen.


Ответ дал: Сara
were, get, was, thought, looked, dreamed, could, cost,  made, had, set, found, was, knocked, opened, explained, came, took, was, were, were, told, said, were, have, want, came, were, sent, picked, told, started, was worked, got, keet, working, were have, had picked, did.

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