Образуйте сложное подлежащее по образцу
e.g. They are reporting that the plane has been landing at JFK.
The plane is reported to have been landing at JFK.

1. They saw that the man took off his coat.
The man was seen

2. We know that Eve Arnold photographed Marilyn Monroe.
Eve Arnold is known

3. They suppose that the nearest shop is 200 kilometers away.
The nearest shop is supposed
4. They say that his wife is a charming and attractive young woman.
His wife is said

5. We know that they have spent three years in Africa.
They are known

6. It seems that he has to have no relatives
He seems

7. They say that the doctor has made some serious mistakes.
The doctor is said

8. They said that the writer wrote his novels on an old portable typewriter.
He was said

9. We know that Maggie will arrive in a week.
Maggie is known


Ответ дал: cлюда
1The man was seen to take off his coat.
2Eve Arnold is known to photograph M.M.
3The nearest shop is supposed to be 200 kilometers away.
4His wife is said to be a charming and attractive young woman.
5They are known to have spent three years in Africa.
6He seems to have no relatives
7The doctor is said to have made some serious mistakes
8He was said to write his novels on an old portable typewriter
9Maggie is known to arrive in a week.

makslegalas: неверно
cлюда: да что ты говоришь)))))
cлюда: делай верно сам!!!!
makslegalas: . They are reporting that the plane has been landing at JFK.
The plane is reported to have been landing at JFK.
cлюда: Good-bye!!!!!
makslegalas: я не знаю
makslegalas: Слюда помогие
makslegalas: пожалуйста
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