Поставь вопросы к предложениям. Начни со слов в скобках.

1) Miss Chetter got a lot of postcards on her birthday. ( What )

2) Last year the winter was cold and snowy/ ( When ) 

3) Yesterday Tiny  wrote a Christmas cards to his friend Billy.( Why)

4) Jill's cake was tasty and nice.(Was)

5) He ran very well the day befor yesterday. ( How )

6) They lived in a small house. ( Did )


Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка

1. What did Miss Chetter get  on her birthday?

2/ When was the winter cold and snowy?

3/ Why did Tiny write a Christmas cards to his friend Billy yesterday?

4/ Was Jill's cake tasty and nice?

5/ How  did he run the day before yesterday?

6/ Did they live in a small house?

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